Governmental Law
The ever increasing complexities of the operations of local, state and federal governmental entities gave rise to the establishment of our governmental law practice area. Our attorneys advise and represent governmental entities of various types, including municipalities, counties and townships, in regards to legislative and regulatory legal matters at the local, state and federal levels. Conversely, we work with individuals and businesses to resolve disputes with governmental entities.
The attorneys at Black McCuskey are skilled in the following areas:
Acquisition and Disposition of Real Estate/Easements
Annexation and Boundary Procedures and Matters/Land Use & Land Development (bio-solids and solid waste)
Compliance with Environmental Laws & EPA Requirements
Compliance with Open Meetings Act/Public Information Act/Competitive Bidding/Competitive Proposal Act
Conversion of Municipalities from General Law Status to Home Rule Status
Determination of Conflicts of Interest
Election Matters and Procedures
Labor and Employment/Workers’ Compensation
Law Enforcement, Police and Public Safety
Licensing, Permits and Other Regulatory Matters
Mergers and Acquisitions of Utility Systems
Nuisance Removal
Preparation, Review and Revision of Contracts/Leases
Preparation, Revision and Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions & Regulations
Regulation of Businesses and Other Activities
Rights, Powers, Duties, Obligations and Limitations of Governmental Entities & Officials
Street, Highways, Roads, Transportation, Motor Vehicle and Traffic Safety Matters
Taxation and Debt Financing Matters
Utility Right-of-Ways (including water, wastewater, electric, gas, cable television, storm drainage)
Zoning and Land Use Planning